2011-Feb-08: VERITAS reports increased activity of the source HESS J0632+057 in Very-High-Energy gamma rays, in  The Astronomers' Telegram #3153, here .



2010-Oct-25: VERITAS search for an enhanced TeV gamma-ray flux from the Crab Nebula is briefly reported in  The Astronomers' Telegram #2968, here .



2010-Oct-25: Ground was recently broken for the new VERITAS control room. See picture of the site here. The control room will be situated to the left of the wall in the center part of the picture, at the location of the pile of earth.



2010-Oct-17: VERITAS re-detection of VHE emission from the high-mass X-ray binary system LS I +61 303 is reported in  The Astronomers' Telegram #2948, here .



2010-Aug-11: VERITAS discovery of VHE emission from the blazar 1ES 1440+122, reported in  The Astronomers' Telegram #2786, here .