April 2013

The Gamma-Ray group at Iowa State University (see cherenkov.physics.iastate.edu) currently has an opening for postdoctoral researcher in the field of VHE gamma-ray astronomy and particle astrophysics.


See full details at http://cherenkov.physics.iastate.edu/jobs.html .


2011-Nov-30: VERITAS reports increased activity of the source HESS J0632+057 in Very-High-Energy gamma rays (again!), in  The Astronomers' Telegram #3791, here .



2011-Sep-29: The new VERITAS control building is nearly complete. See a picture here.



2011-Oct-06: In Science today, VERITAS reports on its observation of the Crab pulsed signal at E>100 GeV. See the results page here. This result was widely reported in the press - see a list of some of the articles (with links) here.

And here's some pretty artwork from the people at Adler (click for a high-res version).



2011-Jun-29: VERITAS reports observation of a bright VHE gamma-ray flare from BL Lacertae,in The Astronomers' Telegram #3153, here .