2017-Jan-04: NGC 1275 is detected in a high-state by both MAGIC (Astronomer's telegram #9929) and VERITAS (Astronomer's telegram #9931).



2015-Dec-15: VERITAS reports the detection of VHE gamma-rays from the distant (z=0.939) blazar PKS 1441+25. See the NASA press release here, this slick NASA/GSFC video, this UCSC link, and other press coverage here (CfA, Harvard), here (Washington University in St. Louis), and here (Barnard College).



2015-Oct-10: VERITAS reports the detection of a bright VHE gamma-ray flare from the high-synchrotron-peaked blazar 1ES 1959+650. The Astronomers' Telegram #8148, here .



2015-May-16: VERITAS reports the detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from the low-frequency peaked (LBL) blazar S3 1227+25 (redshift z=0.135). The Astronomers' Telegram #7516, here .



2014-Dec-24: VERITAS reports the discovery of a Christmas blazar: VHE emission from RGB J2243+203  The Astronomers' Telegram #6849, here .