2017-December-18: VERITAS reports the detection of VHE emission from the FSRQ Ton 599. See the Astronomers' telegram here. Both Fermi-LAT and MAGIC have also reported recent activity from this object.
The VERITAS collaboration, especially its members that were part of the Whipple 10-meter telescope group, are saddened at the loss of Michael Hillas.
Michael was the man whose physical insight, coupled with a flair for extracting the most from simple numerical calculations, was able to develop the key analysis procedure that enabled the first detection of an astrophysical gamma-ray source using a ground-based instrument. Indeed, this method continues to be the bedrock on which all modern analyses are built. In many respects Very-High-Energy gamma-ray astronomy owes its existence and continued good health to the pioneering efforts of this man.
We extend our sympathies to his family and friends.
2017-Feb-28: VERITAS has released a zooniverse project. Help astronomers to find elusive muons disguised as gamma rays: head to the Muon Hunter page now!
2017-Oct-03: The VERITAS and MAGIC collaborations report the detection of an enhanced TeV gamma-ray flux from the pulsar/Be-star binary system PSR J2032+4127. See the Astronomer's Telegram here.
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