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VERITAS Outreach

VERITAS will be part of the Smithsonian Institution's Whipple Observatory and thus will share in the public outreach program of the Smithsonian, both locally and nationally. From its inception in 1968 the Whipple Observatory has had a vigorous program of public information with one full-time local staff member devoted to this activity. The well-equipped Visitor Center at the Basecamp Administrative Complex attracts many visitors; bus tours to the observatory are operated three days a week; a public lecture series has been in operation for 28 years and attracts audiences of 300 to 400.

With seven large optical telescopes in an accessible and visually attractive location, we can expect intense public interest in VERITAS. Because of its location close to the Whipple Basecamp and at the end of a double-lane paved road VERITAS will be a good vehicle to expose high energy astronomy and high energy physics to a wider audience. For security reasons we will enclose the VERITAS telescopes by chainlink fences but we will ensure that the telescope closest to the entrance has public viewing access with suitable bilingual displays to explain the nature of the research.

Each of the members of the VERITAS collaboration has an active outreach program in its local community. The University of Chicago group has a close association with the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum. The University of Utah is an active participant in the Aspire Project.

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VERITAS Collaboration