A FADC provides a digitized version of the Cherenkov pulse waveform, giving the maximum information possible about the shape and time structure. These devices allow operation of the individual telescopes well into the night sky background, eliminate the need for delay cables (minimizing signal dispersion), and allow real-time calibration of the PMT and signal cable propagation times. Also, the time structure of the pulse is expected to become wider near the edge of the Cherenkov light pool, and with the FADCs these effects can be corrected for in later analysis of the digitized pulses. The increasing availability of high bandwidth FADC chips for commercial purposes makes it possible to include a FADC in every detector channel of VERITAS. However commercial modules are expensive and we plan to custom build our own units. A prototype FADC system has been developed and tested on the Whipple telescope and appears to have all the necessary parameters for VERITAS. Each FADC channel uses a commercially available 8-bit FADC integrated circuit. This system has a sample rate of 500MHz and a bilinear range of 0 to 630 (1260)p.e., with a gain of 4 (2) digital counts per p.e. Using the time over threshold of the digitized Cherenkov pulse can significantly extend the range and studies to determine the utility of this technique are in progress.