SNRs are widely believed to be the sources of hadronic cosmic rays up
to energies of approximately
eV, where Z is the
nuclear charge of the particle. This belief is supported by the fact
that supernovae are the only galactic objects which appear to be
capable of supplying the energy required for cosmic-ray generation.
Also, the fairly well understood process of first-order Fermi
acceleration (e.g., [Blandford & Ostriker 1978]) predicts the generation of
high energy cosmic rays in supernova shock fronts and leads to power
law energy spectra matching those inferred from cosmic-ray
observations (e.g., [Swordy et al. 1990]). The existence of energetic electrons is well-known from observations of synchrotron emission at
radio and X-ray energies (e.g., [Koyama et al. 1995]). Recently, the
detection of TeV gamma-rays from the shell-type SNRs SN1006,
RXJ1713.7-3946 and CassiopeiaA has been reported
([Weekes 1999]). Unlike at X-ray and radio wavelengths, the TeV
emission mechanism in these objects is unknown (e.g.,
[Aharonian & Atoyan 1999]; [Baring et al. 1999]). In addition to hadronic cosmic
rays, electrons in SNRs may produce gamma-rays via non-thermal
bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering of low energy photons.
When combined with X-ray and radio observations, the VHE gamma-ray
observations provide a means of resolving these various contributions
and providing information about SNR shell environments such as the
maximum particle energy and magnetic field. Both are important but
unknown parameters in shock acceleration theories.
Thus, a clear indication for the acceleration of hadronic particles
in SNRs is still missing. The evidence for such processes would be
gamma-ray spectra characteristic of
decay subsequent to
nuclear interactions in the SNR. The gamma-ray energies should
range from
10MeV up to ten's of TeV (
1/10 of the maximum
proton energy), and the energy spectrum should follow the energy
spectrum of cosmic rays in the source (thought to be a power law
spectrum with index
-2.1). While EGRET has detected signals
from several regions of the sky consistent with the positions
of shell-type SNRs ([Sturner & Dermer 1995]; [Esposito et al. 1996];
[Lamb & Macomb 1997]; [Jaffe et al. 1997]), its limited angular resolution
makes definitive identification difficult. In addition, background
from the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission complicates spectral
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The Whipple Collaboration has searched for gamma-rays from several shell-type SNRs, but no emission has been detected ([Buckley et al. 1998]). Figure 6 shows the EGRET measurements and Whipple upper limits for the SNR IC443. These results already eliminate much of the allowed parameter space for gamma-ray emission from these objects (from hadrons and electrons), and begin to raise some questions about the validity of current models for the objects studied or for the propagation of cosmic rays.
As shown in Figure 6, there are predictions for strong gamma-ray emission from shell-type SNRs by hadron and electron interactions. Model fits to EGRET and Whipple data (e.g., [Gaisser et al. 1998]) indicate that if the emission detected by EGRET is from the SNR, the combination of EGRET spectra and Whipple upper limits imply contributions from inverse Compton and bremsstrahlung scattering of electrons as well as hadronic interactions. They also require a relatively steep spectrum compared with the E-2.1expected from direct measurements. Resolving these various components will require accurate measurements over a large range of energies. VERITAS and GLAST will provide excellent sensitivity and energy resolution over more than six orders of magnitude in energy for the study of these objects. In addition, the excellent angular resolution of VERITAS will allow detailed mapping of the emission regions in the SNRs. For a typical SNR luminosity and angular extent, VERITAS should be able to detect objects within 4kpc of Earth according to one popular model of gamma-ray production by hadronic interactions ([Drury et al. 1994]). Approximately, twenty shell-type SNRs with known distances lie within this distance range, permitting VERITAS to investigate which characteristics of SNR are necessary for them to be sites of particle acceleration.